I decided to use 4" sewing hoops, the left over fabric from the curtains I took down, and starfish. You'll notice in the next picture I have a helper. We'll talk about him later.
The hoops were 2/$1.00, the spray paint was $2.99, and the starfish packs were $3.99 a piece. Everything came from Michael's. If you look at the left packet of starfish you'll see that one of the little one's is broken. If you buy something damaged at Michael's they will give you 15% off. I wasn't planning on using the small ones so it was OK.
I spray painted the hoops and starfish while this little guy supervised (and plotted).
I left everything out to dry and when I went back to check on them one of the starfish was missing! I talked to my husband and he confirmed that he found the dog with a starfish in his mouth. He ate it! How gross! So now I was all screwed up. I now had 4 hoops and only 3 starfish. Grrrrrrrrrr.......
I had one little starfish and one broken starfish still in the back. I decided to superglue the damaged one back to life and then put two in one hoop. If threw off the symmetry, but I wasn't about to spend another $4!
So this is the odd duck.
This is what it looks like all together.
I think I may change the fabric down the road. We'll see. Something about this combination seems very country, wood panelling, and 70's to me. I'll keep my eyes out for a remnant with a more modern print. But for now, I think it works.
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