Saturday, June 22, 2013

It was all yellow (and orange)


We got a few small inside things taken care of this week.

Donnie kicked things off by installing the light over the sink. We bought the light about 8 months ago and it’s just been sitting in a cabinet.

It came from Shades of Light. I needed to get something in the chrome family to match the other lighting and hardware but it also needed to be semi-flush so it didn’t block the view.

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Here’s a wider view of it. You’ll also notice that I changed the stool cushions. They are a yellow chevron pattern and came from World Market.

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This next shot shows that I FINALLY painted the window sill. The paint can has been sitting on top of the window sill for months and I just wasn’t getting around to it. When Donnie got the light up I knew I had to just do it. So I knocked it off the list this morning.

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This is the new outlet that needed to be hooked up for the light. The holes that are left correspond to the switches for the under cabinet lighting and garbage disposal.

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Lastly, by the front door I‘ve spruced up the entry a bit. That’s the bench where the girls drop their stuff when they walk in. I got that cute bicycle pillow at World Market last weekend. It’s very summery. As you can see, the house has a yellow and orange scheme going on at the moment.

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The guys are just about done with the bulkhead. They’ve worked on it all day, but are now inside due to the rain.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Washed Ashore


Remember on the last post how I commented about things washing up on our shoreline? Well today we got the biggest thing to date.

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There was a bad storm yesterday and now we have a boat! It’s not like it’s going anywhere, so the owner has plenty of time to come and retrieve it. If it’s never claimed, Donnie commented that it would be a good dock building boat. We’ll see.

So Donnie got all the posts in about 2 weeks ago and also got the top and bottom boards in that run horizontally. I’m not sure what they are called.

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Tim has been helping him get the wall portion up.

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They started at the south end. You can see how far we are set back from that neighbor.

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So that’s where they are right now. They are making good progress and the weather has been beautiful today. It’s wasn’t as scorching hot as the prior two days.

We going to try and pry him away from the bulkhead tomorrow so we can spend some time at the beach. We’ll see. He’s in a zone. :)

Happy Father’s Day!