Monday, March 19, 2012

Two Signs and a POD


We have two new signs going up at our current house.

The first being this one:


garage sale


We are having a sale this Saturday to clear out all of the junk that has accumulated over the past 6 years. As of today we have half the dining room filled with stuff that will not be joining us at the new pad. We also plan on getting rid of a couch, 2 chairs, and two tables.

What doesn’t sell will be going to Goodwill. It is not moving with us! :)

This past weekend we had this delivered:



We spent all day yesterday boxing stuff up and moving it in. The plan is to have the house de-cluttered and thinned out in order for us to put this sign out:




We plan to get the house on the market next week.

Wish us luck! This is so stressful and crazy and hectic, but we know it will be worth it in the long run.

I can’t believe we are about to start all over, but we are.